Profit from our experience

Earn up to 15% commission for every successful referral

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How Does It Work?


It's free and easy to join.

Get up and running today.

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Choose from our products to advertise to your customers.

Whether you are a large network, content site, social media influencer or blogger, we have simple linking tools to meet your advertising needs and help you monetize

Linking Tools

Get up to 15% in commissions on successful referrals.

Earn commissions from all qualifying purchases, not just the products you advertised. Plus, our competitive conversion rates help you maximize your earnings.

Product Commissions

Commission Explain

Our affiliate program rewards you for both your sales and the sales made by affiliates you recruit. This multi-level commission structure includes:

  • Direct Sales Commission: Earn 15% on your own sales.
  • Level 1 Commission: Earn 30% of the commissions from sales by your direct recruits.
  • Level 2 Commission: Earn 20% of the commissions from sales by the recruits of your direct recruits.
  • Level 3 Commission: Earn 10% of the commissions from sales by the third level of recruits.
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Here's how it works in action:

  • John joins the program and recruits Michelle.
  • Michelle recruits Victor.
  • Victor recruits David.
  • When David makes a $1,000 sale, he earns $150 (15% of $1,000).
  • Victor, who recruited David, earns $45 (30% of David's $150 commission).
  • Michelle, who recruited Victor, earns $30 (20% of David's $150 commission).
  • John, who started this chain, earns $15 (10% of David's $150 commission).

This structure ensures that each affiliate benefits from the network they help build, incentivizing both sales and recruitment.

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Our Members


Discovering Jugoo massagers was a life-changer for me, offering incredible relief and comfort. But when I joined their affiliate program, it was a double win. Not only do I enjoy their top-notch products, but I also make a steady side income. It's amazing how sharing something that's genuinely effective can also fill your pockets. Last month, I pocketed an extra $800 just by sharing my favorite wellness secret!

Jenna Carter


"When I started with Jugoo affiliate program, I knew their products were a hit, but I didn't expect the ripple effect it would have. My friends joined in on my recommendation, and we've all been making decent money! It's incredible to see both my friends and me benefit financially from this opportunity. Personally, I've made about $1,200 last month, but some of my friends are even doing better!"

Tyler Brooks


"I must admit, I'm a bit envious but super proud of my friends who've outpaced me in earnings through the Jugoo affiliate program. I introduced them, and they've taken it to the next level, earning more than I do! This has been a huge motivator for me to step up my game. It's a testament to how effective and lucrative sharing great products can be. Time to hustle more and catch up - the potential to earn here is just too good to not go all in!"

Sophia Turner

Ready-to-Use Creatives

Jumpstart Your Earnings with Ease!

we understand the importance of compelling and engaging content for successful affiliate marketing. That's why we're excited to offer our affiliates a suite of ready-to-use creatives, designed to make your promotion efforts as effective and effortless as possible.

Engaging Text Copy

Ready-to-use promotional texts, ideal for social media sharing.

Dynamic Video Content

High-quality videos that highlight the benefits of our products.

Easy-to-Access Format

All materials are conveniently available in Google Docs for easy download and sharing.